Why Group Music Lessons Are More Fun

Why Group Music Lessons Are More Fun by 88 Keys Music Academy

Schools are struggling these days — operating costs continue to rise — and that means “extras” like music education in grades K-12 are taking a hit.  In many school districts, athletic programs are now “pay to play,” but music departments are not always able to manage that type of layout. In many schools, music instruction is no longer a necessity – it is only an unaffordable luxury.  Private lessons may be intimidating and not for everyone. Group music lessons, however are typically more cost-effective but mostly, they teach children how to work together toward a common goal: making beautiful music.

Exposing young children to strings, keys, horns and flutes is a great way to get them started on a path to music appreciation. While opinions vary as to the actual time in a child’s life to begin music instruction, most elementary school children are usually ready for structured beginner lessons.  One-on-one tutoring is good, but so are group lessons — they motivate children to work with others in a fun and more relaxed atmosphere.  When school-aged kids play games together, there is often a competitive drive to “succeed.”  Playing music together in an extra-curriculum group setting that is outside the confines of the schoolhouse can help children find their own talent and niche.  They’ll learn how to play well together, how to push each other and how to cast off the shyness as they learn how to perform for one another.

Music Therapy

For some children, music is more than something pleasant to the ear — it is a lifeline to normalcy.  Often children diagnosed with auditory and visual perception issues, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and other learning disabilities can benefit from structured music lessons and exposure.  Scientists say music enhances brain function; that drives the ability to read, speak, focus and problem-solve.  Children with ADHD and learning disabilities who play a music instrument can often concentrate better and show notable improvements in self-esteem, self-expression, motivation and social connection.  Music is therapy — playing together with other children can provide life skills and stability.

And, Another Thing … 

Another reason to enroll children in after-school group music classes is the exposure to new and different relationships and experiences.  Kids are used to seeing their own classmates every day but bringing them to a group setting, where they’ll be “outside the box,” allows boys and girls to develop new friends with different scholastic backgrounds.  With group lessons, children learn more than just music, they will come to understand more about everyday life!

If you’re ready to sign your child up for group music lessons, call us at 626.445.5397 or contact us today!