88 Keys Song Writing Class

88 Keys Song Writing Class Flyer

Why Songwriting?

Why does music have a potent effect on our emotions?  In a 2001 study at the University of McGill, in Montreal Canada, neuroscientists studied the effects of music on the brain.  Using magnetic resonance imaging they showed that people listening to pleasurable music had activated brain regions called the limbic and paralimbic areas.  These regions are connected to reward responses in the brain.  As a result of listening to music, the brain would release dopamine into the body resulting in the feeling of pleasure.

In addition to providing pleasure, songs are esthetic form of expression.  We write songs because we feel like we have a message we want to share with the world.  During the coronavirus pandemic, the feeling of isolation and sadness for all that is going on in the world is normal.

Combat these negative emotions and bring back the pleasure!  88 Keys is offering a songwriting course this spring.  Join our course and express your emotions through your own music!

88 Keys is offering an 8-week professional group songwriting course.  Each class will be 45 minutes in duration.  Learn about song structures, melody-writing, harmonization, lyrics-writing, music arrangement, and performance.  You will also be collaborating with other students and composing your very own song!

8-week professional group songwriting course

Date: 4/17/2021-6/06/2021 (Saturdays or Sundays)

Time: 10:00 – 10:45 AM (Saturday) or

11:00 – 11:45 AM (Sunday)

Age: 8+ years old

Location: Online/Zoom

Cost: $160 for 8 weeks of 45min lesson

Space is limited, reserve now!
Call us at 626.445.5397 (KEYS) or email us at 88keysmusic3@gmail.com